Virtualenv & Pip

Creating a New Virtual Environment with virtualenv

I admire the way NPM and node store the project dependencies adjacent to the source code. So I will almost always create the virtual environment in my project repo.

I create a new project directory and nest a virtual environment directly in the directory:

Create a Virtual Environment

Installing Dependencies into New Virtual Environment

I then activate the virtual environment so it is used from my shell instead of the globally installed python binary:

Activate Virtual Environment

I then install all project dependencies with pip (in this case simply pynput):

Install Dependencies into Virtual Environment

Creating requirements.txt

I then dump out the full set of project dependencies to a new file called requirements.txt:

Create requirements.txt


The newly created requirements.txt can be used so this python environment can be easily re-created with pip by running pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

Enter Version Control

From here I initialize the project as a local git repository:

Initialize local git repo

Add the virtual environment directory to the .gitignore:

Add Virtual Environment Directory to gitignore

Add remote repo:

Add remote repo

Stage our .gitignore and requirements.txt:

Add to staging






I used the --force flag when I pushed, because the remote repo named origin ( already had a version of this project. However, I am rebuilding this project from scratch and want to overwrite the contents of that remote repo. The --force option when used with git push will overwrite the remote repo with the contents of this local repo.

Confirm on GitHub:

Confirm on GitHub



I have:

  • a project directory: (pylogger/)
  • A local git repo (pylogger/.git)
    • ignoring dependency artifacts (env_pylogger via .gitignore)
    • instructions for creating dependency artifacts (requirements.txt)
  • a remote git repo named origin: (

I am ready to start coding, and can easily move this project to a new computer, or begin working with project collaborators via git.