Key Counter

This was a pretty easy conversion.

I simply added a function and updated the main method.

New Function

def convert_log_to_dict(some_log):
    the_dict = {}
    for letter in some_log:
        if letter in the_dict.keys():
            the_dict[letter] += 1
            the_dict[letter] = 1
    return the_dict

Since we already have a list with all of the characters as elements we can easily just convert that list to a dictionary with the characters as the keys. We can then just increment the key count by one for each time the key is re-encountered.

Updated Main

In the main method we just need to pass the existing key-log to the conversion to dict function and print the output of the dictionary.

log_line = f"{getlogin()} -- {asctime(localtime())}: {convert_log_to_dict(log)}"


After running the changed file you can now see the order of the keystrokes have been obfuscated.

We know which keys were pressed, but without their order we aren’t harvesting unethical data.

key counter output

Source Code Snapshot

New file called added where I copied in the original file and made the changes.

GitHub repo at this point in time

This would be a much more appropriate project for a group of learners.