Hello, World!

Following the Scala Docs Getting Started page next up is creating the eponymous Hello, World! project with sbt the scala build tool.

Create Project

The instructions from the site are straightforward:

sbt new scala/scala3.g8

Then enter the project name: hello-world.

Explore Project

File Structure

Looks like it worked:

sbt new scala/scala3.g8


Additionally it created an entry point for the application in src/main/scala/Main.scala:

@main def hello: Unit = 
  println("Hello world!")

def msg = "I was complied by Scala 3. :)"

Run Project

Looks like I can run it with my terminal using the sbt ~run command.

sbt ~run

Well sbt is living up to its name Scala Build Tool. Upon running the project at project root, it scanned the project, downloaded any necessary dependencies, and ran the project.

Upon looking at some changes made to the project directory I think it compiled and built a .jar file we can probably execute directly.

scala -jar jar-file

Thanks brain for holding onto all that Java knowledge, it’s coming in handy!