Challenge Five 2: Electric Boogaloo

Alright. Time to take another crack at this problem.

After some reflection I really think my logic was sound I just failed in my implementation. The problem has a few parts and I can break it down into smaller pieces and test the individual pieces. I also want to make the problem less complex, by removing the reversal part. I think that was just causing extra confusion.


// Step Zero: covert Int into StringArray

// Step One: determine swap one value and index

// Step Two: determine swap two value and index

// Step Three: make swap

// Step Four: split array on swap position: hold and reOrder

// Step Five: reorder the reOrder array from largest to smallest

// Step Six: rebuild the array & return

Step Zero

No tests necessary because I’m just using built in methods.


// Step Zero: convert Int into StringArray
val numAsStringArray = theInt.toString.split("")

Step One


// Step One: determine swap one value and index


describe("Testing determineSwapOneValueAndIndex") {
    it("should work for 54998") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(54998.toString.split("")) === (4, 1))
    it("should work for 45071") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(45071.toString.split("")) === (0, 2))
    it("should work for 31233") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(31233.toString.split("")) === (2, 2))
    it("should work for 22437") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(22437.toString.split("")) === (3, 3))
    it("should work for straightforward examples") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(12.toString.split("")) === (1, 0))
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(123.toString.split("")) === (2, 1))
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(67809.toString.split("")) === (0, 3))

    it("should return -1 for straightforward examples") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(21.toString.split("")) === (-1, -1))
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(54321.toString.split("")) === (-1, -1))


def determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(numStringArray: Array[String]): (Int, Int) = {
    var theValue = -1
    var theIndex = -1
    var i = numStringArray.length - 2
    var notIdentified = true
    while (i >= 0 && notIdentified) {
      if (numStringArray(i + 1).toInt > numStringArray(i).toInt) {
        theValue = numStringArray(i).toInt
        theIndex = i
        notIdentified = false
      i -= 1
    (theValue, theIndex)

Result: PASS

Step Two

This could be combined with the Step One, but I’m trying to hunt down my issue from earlier so I’m going the extra mile. This is something that I would likely refactor later.


// Step Two: determine swap two value and index


describe("Testing determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex") {
    it("should work for 54998") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex(54998.toString.split("")) === (8, 4))
    it("should work for 45071") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex(45071.toString.split("")) === (1, 4))
    it("should work for 31233") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex(31233.toString.split("")) === (3, 3))
    it("should work for 22437") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex(22437.toString.split("")) === (7, 4))
    it("should work for straightforward examples") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex(12.toString.split("")) === (2, 1))
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex(123.toString.split("")) === (3, 2))
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex(67809.toString.split("")) === (9, 4))

    it("should return -1 for straightforward examples") {
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(21.toString.split("")) === (-1, -1))
      assert(StretchProblems.determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(54321.toString.split("")) === (-1, -1))


def determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex(numStringArray: Array[String]): (Int, Int) = {
    // find initial swap two value and index
    var swapOneValue = -1
    var swapOneIndex = -1
    var theValue = -1
    var theIndex = -1
    var i = numStringArray.length - 2
    var notIdentified = true
    while (i >= 0 && notIdentified) {
      if (numStringArray(i + 1).toInt > numStringArray(i).toInt) {
        theValue = numStringArray(i + 1).toInt
        theIndex = i + 1
        swapOneValue = numStringArray(i).toInt
        swapOneIndex = i
        notIdentified = false
      i -= 1
    if (theIndex == -1) {
      return (-1, -1)
    // check that there aren't any better swap two candidates in the numbers after swapTwo position
    i = theIndex;
    while (i < numStringArray.length) {
      if(numStringArray(i).toInt > swapOneValue && numStringArray(i).toInt < theValue) {
        theValue = numStringArray(i).toInt
        theIndex = i
      i += 1
    (theValue, theIndex)

After working on the implementation I realized that I couldn’t perform the check for a better swap two candidate, without also knowing the swap one value…

This caused me to essentially duplicate the the solution for Step One I performed earlier. Again showing that these should be collapsed into one solution, but before any refactoring can happen. I need ot make sure the implementation passes the tests.

Result: PASS

I will refactor. But let’s keep moving forward for now.

Step Three


// Step Three: make swap


describe("Testing swapValuesByIndex") {
    it("should work for 54998") {
      assert(StretchProblems.swapValuesByIndex(1, 4, 54998.toString.split("")) === 58994.toString.split(""))
    it("should work for 45071") {
      assert(StretchProblems.swapValuesByIndex(2, 4, 45071.toString.split("")) === 45170.toString.split(""))
    it("should work for 31233") {
      assert(StretchProblems.swapValuesByIndex(2, 3, 31233.toString.split("")) === 31323.toString.split(""))
    it("should work for 22437") {
      assert(StretchProblems.swapValuesByIndex(4, 3, 22437.toString.split("")) === 22473.toString.split(""))


def swapValuesByIndex(indexOne: Int, indexTwo: Int, numStringArray: Array[String]): Array[String] = {
    val tempVal = numStringArray(indexOne)
    numStringArray(indexOne) = numStringArray(indexTwo)
    numStringArray(indexTwo) = tempVal

Result: PASS

Step Four


// Step Four: split array on swap position: hold and reOrder


describe("Testing splitAndReorder") {
    it("should work for 54998") {
      assert(StretchProblems.splitAndReorder(1, 58994.toString.split("")) === 58499.toString.split(""))
    it("should work for 45071") {
      assert(StretchProblems.splitAndReorder(2, 45170.toString.split("")) === 45107.toString.split(""))
    it("should work for 31233") {
      assert(StretchProblems.splitAndReorder(2, 31323.toString.split("")) === 31323.toString.split(""))
    it("should work for 22437") {
      assert(StretchProblems.splitAndReorder(4, 22473.toString.split("")) === 22473.toString.split(""))


def splitAndReorder(indexOne: Int, numStringArray: Array[String]): Array[String] = {
    val (hold, reorder) = numStringArray.splitAt(indexOne + 1)
    val reordered = reorder.sorted
    hold ++ reordered

Without checking the documentation I made an assumption about .splitAt() thinking it would split inclusively on the first group. Turns out is splits inclusively on the second group. So simply adding 1 to the parameter fixed the issue. Confirmed by the Scala Docs

Result: PASS

Step Five

Accomplished by previous step.

Step Six

Accomplished by previous step.

Bringing it together

I should be able to put all the pieces together in the original method and run it against the tests.


def getNextBiggestNumber(theInt: Integer): Int = {
    // I think breaking the problem down into smaller functions (that are tested) will help tremendously

    // Step Zero: covert Int into StringArray
    val numAsStringArray = theInt.toString.split("")
    // Step One: determine swap one value and index
    val (swapOneValue, swapOneIndex) = determineSwapOneValueAndIndex(numAsStringArray)

    // return -1 if no swap candidate found
    if (swapOneIndex == -1) {
      return -1

    // Step Two: determine swap two value and index
    val (swapTwoValue, swapTwoIndex) = determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex(numAsStringArray)
    // Step Three: make swap
    val newArray = swapValuesByIndex(swapOneIndex, swapTwoIndex, numAsStringArray)

    // Step Four: split array on swap position: hold and reOrder
    val finalArray = splitAndReorder(swapOneIndex, numAsStringArray)
    // Rebuild the array & return

Results: PASS


The solution is a little messy. I’d like to combine determineSwapOneValueAndIndex() and determineSwapTwoValueAndIndex() to reduce the duplication and remove the never used variable swapOneValue, but overall I’m happy with the solution.

I’ll refactor at a later date.