
No better place to begin learning a tool other than it’s source. In this case from the Scala Docs.

There appear to be many fantastic resources at the main site for Scala Docs. Tour the language, installation instructions, Scala book, collections of books and tutorials, cheat sheets, style guides, full documentation the works really.

Let’s get this language on our computer and start using it.


Scala Docs Getting Started

Scala recommends installing the coursier (cs) CLI

Simple installation instructions for both of my Linux machines (Pop_OS! & Manjaro):

curl -fL | gzip -d > cs
chmod +x cs
./cs setup

I modified the chmod command to:

chmod 550 cs

Still adds execute for my user and group, but takes write away from everyone, and gives no permissions to others.


After ./cs setup did its thing a few CLI tools were added:

  • cs
  • scala
  • scalac
  • sbt
  • sbtn
  • ammonite
  • scalafmt

Running a which on each results in:

which cs # ~/.local/share/coursier/bin/cs
which scala # ~/.local/share/coursier/bin/scala
which scalac # ~/.local/share/coursier/bin/scalac
which sbt # ~/.local/share/coursier/bin/sbt
which sbtn # ~/.local/share/coursier/bin/sbtn
which scalafmt # ~/.local/share/coursier/bin/scalafmt

ammonite is the enhanced REPL that comes with scala, so I think I can access it by invoking scala from my shell without any arguments:



ammonite REPLI

Looks like everything is installed.
