Consume API from Scala

First problem. I need to make HTTP requests from Scala and unpack the associated CSV records.

Let’s check out the package of the Scala standard library.

According to the Scala Docs io.Source there is a fromURL() method that returns a BufferedSource.

It looks like I can do something like:

val bufferedSource= Source.fromURL('')

To get an instance of the Buffered Source class which will contain the data I need!


def getTransactionStringFromAPI(amount: Int): Array[String] = {
    val url = s"$amount"
    val bufferedSource = Source.fromURL(url)
    val stringResponse = bufferedSource.mkString

A couple of additional pieces I added here. According to the docs I am responsible for closing the buffered source. Which I did on line 5.

I returned the split of stringResponse on the newline character \n after dropping the first row of the data which contains the header row of: name,email,type,amount which I don’t want to include in my topic.