curl & cron

First up I need to build some system of delivering repeated requests to a web location to download a CSV file.

This should not be hard I have done this a lot.

First Request

curl -s


Now just a matter of saving that nice STDOUT to a file.

curl -s > eq-data.csv


Always a good idea to put repeated terminal commands into a bash script so that they don’t get lost.

I created get-eq-data.bash and added the command.


With a bash script I can now create a cron job for running this task every five minutes:

*/5 * * * * /bin/bash /home/paul/personal/earthquake-data/get-eq-data.bash

Now every five minutes the script will fire and create a new CSV file with the past 60 minutes of geo events.


I planned for this, but if I make a request every 5 minutes and the data is updated every 1 minute and contains 60 minutes worth of data, the data in the requested CSV won’t fall off, until 60 minutes have gone by!

This means I would be heavily duplicating data. Essentially every request would have 55 minutes of duplicate data.

I will need some way to suss out what records have already been stored.

I decided in planning I would do this with Python since it’s a language I have used a lot.