
Apache Kafka.

A tool for handling data streams of events stored in topics.


It looks like Apache Kafka is named after Franz Kafka. An author I’m aware of, but I don’t think I’ve read any of his work. I do know the term kafkaesque which I understand to be the feeling of existing in all consuming, soul crushing hyper-bureaucracy. I wouldn’t say this is a term I would want associated with a technology I use, but I’m sure it has some significant meaning. Hopefully using Kafka won’t be kafkaesque.


Additionally I watched a ton of videos on Kafka by Tim Bergland of Confluent.


Tim Bergland is quickly becoming a hero of mine. He’s a coder, he’s a teacher, and he wants to lead people into the light of understanding the skills and concepts he knows. Those are all ideals I hold! Similarly, I’ve got a lot of respect for Alvin Alexander. His work on the Scala books, and his own personal site were very beneficial when working with Scala.


The Apache Kafka website leads to a quickstart for installing kafka, running the server, and for interfacing with kafka directly from the terminal. I went through the quickstart, but moved past it almost immediately.

However, if you are learning Kafka, or are unsure on how you might use the tool I highly recommend the quickstart, it definitely helped me gain a better understanding of the tool.
